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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Starcraft 2 Cheats with VIDEOS

Starcraft 2 cheats are now available here at forgus beylan. I don't play StarCraft 2 but I used the web to find these cheat codes for all those who like to play this game.

Starcraft 2 cheats, , tips, cheat codes and tower defense infinite money cheats, etc. Enjoy guys!

- Technology Upgrades: To get technology upgrades, you press ENTER, type the words “medieval man” and then press Enter once more. This action will instantly upgrade your technology.

- Free Unit Upgrades: You can instantly upgrade all of your units for free when you press ENTER, type in the words “something for nothing” and then press ENTER a second time.

- Infinite Energy: To get infinite energy, press ENTER, type “the gathering” and press ENTER again.

- Instant Loss: To lose the current level instantly, you just press ENTER, type in “game over man” and pres ENTER

- Instant Victory: For an instant win, press ENTER, type “there is no cow level” and press Enter again.

- Invincibility: To obtain invincibility so that no other teams can deal with damage, press ENTER, type “power overwhelming” and press ENTER again.

- Lift the Fog. When you want to prevent eth Fog of War from returning, press ENTER, type “war aint what it used to be” and press ENTER. Do not place an apostrophe in the word aint.

- Receive 500 Vespene gas. When you find that you are running low on gas you can get a refill by cheating. Press ENTER, type “breathe deep: and press ENTER.

- Disable Food and PSI Requirements: To disable food and psi limits, press ENTER, type “food for thought” and press ENTER.

- Build Over Supplt Limit as Protoss or Zerg: When you are playing the part of a Protoss or Zerg. 

More Starcraft 2 Cheats/Tricks/Codes

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