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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Turning 21

Everyone's all so grown up!! I can't believe I grew up with all of these friends and they're such adults now. Almost all of my friends are turning 21 this year. Okay, I'm not THAT young. I'll soon turn 21 as well but all of them will be celebrating theirs first.

Being 21 is quite like getting your freedom; standing on your own two feet. Therefore, it's quite a big deal and people usually throw big parties to celebrate their coming freedom.

     The key to freedom. And a key I would like to have for my birthday present *laughs*

Being 21 is the legal age and you can basically do anything, go into any clubs or whatever independently. Yes, you can go to Vegas, gamble all your money and come back and it's all legal!! Of course, here is going to Genting and donate your hard earned money there *laughs*

I'm not sure whether am I excited to turn 21 and see a whole new world by being financially independent and everything independent or sad to turn 21 because it highlights the fact that I'm getting older and there's so much more that's yet to achieve!!

Anyway, that's quite a long way more to go. I'm just pondering all these because all of my friends are going through this phase- the adulthood! A lot of parties are being thrown this year and it'll be quite a celebration!

It's like this show on MTV 'My Super Sweet 16' where rich kids get to have ginormous functions and getting celebrity performers singing for them and having a BMW as present from their parents. All of these at 16!!! Because 16 is the legal age to drive there...

I wonder why they don't have a show on 21st bday parties. Now, if their 16th party was over the top, I wonder how their 21st will be like...

All I know is that, I'm not much of a person who celebrate birthdays. But who knows, I might get some ideas from my friends' parties LOLZ

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