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Friday, April 22, 2011


Celebrities are endorsing many products these days..Well, brands want popular celebs to be their ambassadors so that it'll be something HUGE! Imagine having Lady Gaga endorsing your brand just like what MAC did. I love seeing advertisements with popular celebrities that I know. So, whenever I buy magazines and start flipping the front pages(this is where all the advertisements will be) I like to see who is endorsing what. I don't know why...I have a thing for beautiful advertisements *laughs*

These are some advertisements that celebrities are endorsing:

Cyndi Lauper and Lady Gaga are the models of make up brand M.A.C..MAC is very unique. I love their get ups for example the Hello Kitty line and the Wonder Woman collection. It's a fun brand!

Okay, not fair!! Julia Roberts already in her 40s still looking so young!! Perhaps we all should use Lancome hehe..I think there's a tiny bit wrong with the picture...Where's Julia's famous smile??

The latest Covergirl model; Taylor Swift! You should see the advertisement. It's very hip and young!! I got to know Covergirl from America's Next Top Model =p

Vanessa Hudgens for Candie's. Very young and cool advert. I love that pink suitcase hehe

Frieda Pinto from Slumdog Millionaire for L'oreal...That movie really shot her to fame! I love her natural beauty...if only all girls can get that kind of skin!

Jessica Alba has been Revlon's model for quite some time already. That red hot chilli nails are so tempting!!

Carrie Underwood looked so different. I actually had to take a second look at the advert to recognise her. I didn't know she's an Olay model. But it's a nice and clean ad.

Hmmm....Annalynne Mccord from 90210 nude for Marc Ecko advert. I didn't see this coming. But she looked gorgeous. You know, ads like these don't make people take notice of the brand rather the model -.-

Beyonce, very orange-y with her perfume LOL Well, it fits the description: heat rush!

Heidi Klum with her maternity line...If only she was not made the background rather the model of the advert, it'll be better...

Eva Longoria endorsing sparkling liquor. I like Nuvo's trademark colour- PINK! Hehe

Kate Moss is the new face of Dior Addict..Actually, I notice the cat eyes more than the lipstick XD

Keira Knightley has been the face for Coco Chanel Mademoiselle for quite some time already. She's sooo beautiful. The advertisement was even better! I love her face features. I think she's one of the most beautiful woman in Hollywood!!

The best for the last! Ivanka Trump, my lovely idol!!!!!! She, of course is the model of her own collection hehe

Which advert you like best?? =))

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