Were fans of the Kendra reality show going to be thrust onto a roller-coaster ride of emotions last night - alongside Eddy - once he opened up his yap and confided to his parents that he was gay?
As it turned out - no!
There were a truckload of anxiousnail-biting moments lurking in the wings, however.
The first scenes of the entertaining reality show unfolded innocently enough.
When Kendra dropped Eddy off at the home of his parents for a previously-arranged dinner date in the sedate suburbs - the thought of "coming out" at long last - wasn't necessarily on the top of his "to do" list.
When push came to shove (wrong choice of phrases perhaps?) - an old Greek proverb must have jumped into Eddy's mind for some inexplicable reason - though.
Carpe Diem.
Roughly translated?
Seize the day!
Eddy gushed to Kendra later in the evening - after he "came out" successfully - that a serious case of the willies just about blew it on each occasion the opportunity arose to blurt out the truth about his sexual orientation to his parents.
For example, in one heart-to-heart - when his Mom asked him if he'd met anyone special - instead of jumping in like a dirty shirt - he passed on the opportunity to open the flood gates.
I suspect that when Kendra's outgoing pal hesitated a bit during the course of the low-key conversation with his mother - that his loss for words now-and-then - signalled that something was up to the intuitive woman.
You know what they say.
A mother always knows!
The producers heightened the drama somewhat for the viewers at home (tugged at their heart strings) by facilitating a couple of potent story-telling devices that succeeded in setting up a cliff-hanger that was tough to turn away from.
It packed a wallop, alright.
Instead of cutting-to-the-chase after the initial ground work was laid out, for instance, the surprising plot twist
When Eddy finally blurted out that he was gay , for instance, there was a dramatic pause as the skilled camera-man panned around to capture a reaction shot that was priceless.
The earth literally stood still for a moment or two before she uttered up her response calmly.
"We knew, dear," she confided tenderly.
Funny that!
Why is that the individual "coming out" is always the last to know?
At this juncture, Kendra and Eddy trotted off to the Fiesta Cantina for an exotic drinkie-pooh to celebrate "out-ness".
In episode two, I expect Eddy jets off to New York City to rustle up a sugar daddy.
Do I see a sequel to "Midnight Cowboy" far off on the silver screen?
Stay tuned!

Love that once dare not say its name
Now, won't shut up!
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