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Saturday, March 5, 2011

San Francisco Police Department...FBI probes dirty cops! Illegal searches & seizures!

On the heels of allegations that San Francisco plainclothes undercover officers engaged in illegal searches and seizures over the past year or so - and falsified police reports to back up their cavalier busts - the FBI has stepped in to investigate.

This past week I reported on the scandal which has shaken the city.

Post:  03/03/2011


The Public Defender, Jeff Adachi, cried fowl in recent days when the District Attorney's office agreed to investigate the charges - but scoffed at the notion - that there should be an independent review.

Adachi argued to all within earshot that because George Gascon was Police Chief when the alleged wrong-doing took place last year - that a fair and just investigation can not be properly conducted by his office - at the end of the day.

In sum, it aappears that the FBI probe was triggered because of Garcon's reluctance to recognize that a full investigation by his office may not only be insufficient - but may also amount to a conflict of interest - as well.

"The FBI is conducting an independent investigation of allegations against several police officers, and we have SFPD's cooperation," confirmed FBI spokesperson, Julianne Sohn.

The current Police Chief - Jeff Godown - has lamented in the aftermath that he is disturbed by the fact that so-called incriminating videos (allegedly establishing wrong-doing on the part of San Francisco's finest!) - have been broadcast on local and national television.

"It makes it very difficult for us to conduct an investigation if I have to watch TV to find out what's happening in my Police Department," he grumbled to the press.

In his own defense, Jeff Adachi was quick to point out (rightly so) that the videos were evidentiary - and thus - viewed in open court for obvious reasons (which ultimately placed them in the public domain).

The videos may be viewed at:


During a raid on Henry Hotel suites in San Francisco proper, officers apparently used a master key to open up a door, so that four officers could rush in and grab a suspect (who was later seen dragged into the hall and handcuffed).

In a second incriminating surveillance video, one officer was seen to be covering the camera recording the incident, while a posse of officers forced the occupant inside to open the door in a warrantless-search situation that didn't follow the book under the letter of the law.

Stay posted for updates!


Romantic San Francisco oblivious to rogue cops?

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