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Thursday, April 21, 2011

BART Blue Sky Festival...San Francisco celebrates smog-free skies! Vendors push environment! Free BART tix!

The promotional publicity still for Bart's "Blue Sky Festival" which kicked-off today in downtown San Francisco  on the waterfront  was straightforward and to the point.

The shot featured a relatively smog-free pristine blue sky with a few lazy fluffy clouds gently billowing here and there on the horizon.

The message was crystal clear!

Thanks to BART'S visionary efforts to enlighten motorists about alternatives to fossil fuels - the picturesque city by the bay is boasting that ridership is up on environmentally-safe public transport - and that fumes that once plagued the skyline are dissipating somewhat.

To celebrate, BART tossed an upbeat soiree that environmentally-conscious folks - and businesses - responded to in droves!

In essence, the "Blue Sky Festival" is centerpiece for the exchange of great environmental info, that runs in tandem with Earth Day which rolls around every spring.

Tourists, residents out giving their dogs a stretch, and city workers on lunch break, strolled through the plaza and munched on organically-grown strawberries, nutritious health drinks, and tasty energy-raising snacks as they mulled over environmentally safe products, and energy sources.

And, thanks to a popular local band - the Venusians - did so with a bounce in their step.

Their sound - consisting mainly of percussion, synthesizers, and strings - was somewhat reminiscent of the Penguin Cafe Orchestra (featured on YouTube) according to one observer with a keen ear.

Two Polar Bears danced around the stage to joyously celebrate a turn-around in their community.


Thanks to a new wave of environmental consciousness family members are being saved from extinction!

BART also offered up a nifty reward to curiosity-seekers who made a concerted effort to pop by and check out the booths.

Every attendee who presented a "passport" with six stamps on it (provided by the vendors present) was gifted with a free $6.00 BART pass!

But, a big buzz broke out in the crowd, when the opportunity to win a snazzy "fold up" bike presented itself.

Handy, when 'ya consider, that is the only two-wheeler that Officials on the Public Transportation system allow.

Other "green" friendly businesses participating included Bike Link / eLock, Breathe California & Greenbelt Alliance, City Car Share & ZipCar, Rock ' n Socks & Rickshaw Bagworks, Jamba Juice and Premier Organics.

If 'ya missed it, catch the Blue Sky Festival next year!

Or, at least, check out EarthShareCA.org for more details.

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