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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prince William...Royal Wedding, Harry's stag & Kate's weight loss rustle up media frenzy!

Mike Oldfield designer of the hour?

As "Royal Watchers" titter about Kate's sudden weight loss - and blame chic black fashion ensembles (in part) for slender impressions that hint on the suggestion that she is too thin - rambunctious social climbers fathom ways to crash a wild stag party that Prince Harry is expected to toss for his older brother Wills and a posse of their uppercrust pals.

No question about it!

There will be a barrel or two of potent grog on tap to get well-wishers in the mood to par-tay when the bachelor boy takes the final leap into manhood!

For sure - the festivities wll be held in either Scotland or Wales - some wager!

Others, suggest that a one of the exclusive watering holes in London, will offer up their snobby environs for the wild occasion!

For starters, Queen Elizabeth is expected to be most assuredly out-of-harm's-way when the Prince and his closest buddies tip their elbows into the wee hours of dawn.

In fact, I expect that Q E 2 (Queen Lizzie) will be busy dusting off a fairy-tale glass coach or two - down at the Palace garage - in anticipation of the delightful Royal Ceremony.

Meanwhile tongues are wagging about the latest scoops off the wire.

Fergie - once considered a black sheep of the family, for instance - somehow managed to wangle an invite to the Wedding Chapel.

Apparently, Prince William's childhood memories pulled at his heart strings a tad - enough so - that the Duchess of York may find herself trotting up to the Church on time to attend the blessed Royal event.

According to the scuttlebutt, though, the scorned woman (accused of influence peddling of late) won't be tripping-the-light-fantastic with true blue bloods in the inner sancum (at tony receptions and elite after-parties) as the Royal Couple cruise off into the sunset (happily-ever-after?)

And, what details - pray tell - are still under wraps?

The prying eyes of the fashion press have been kept in the dark about -"the dress" - for starters.

Insiders speculate that Mike Oldfield wlll do the honors, but the Royals are keeping "mum", nonetheless.

Kate observers are predicting that the frock will be understated but elegant, and spun from the romantic yarn of an upcoming fashion star on the horizon, across the great pond.

Expect dozens of knock-off versions to hit fashion houses once the designs have been ceremoniously unveiled (no pun intended).

"No one is tying to fill my Mother's shoes at the Palace," Prince William was inclined to hastily note for the record.

But, the pressure will be on, for sure.

My crystal ball reveals a designer frock with simple lines and exquisite romantic flourishes.

And, once the Royal Couple has kissy-faced on their honeymoon, a moving van may pull up in front of one of William's fond digs of yesteryear.

"I was raised at Kensington Palace. And, I had so many pleasant childhood memories there," the Prince beamed to media snoops in recent days, as he hinted in so many words that the two lovebirds may set up their love nest there.

No doubt, Lady Diana's loving spirit will be hovering overhead, with an approving eye.

Royal Watchers keen on Kate being an eyeful!

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